STAFAA would like to invite you to the inaugural Jim Greig Memorial shoot
The shoot will take place at the West Lothian Archers outdoor Range on 25th September 2022
It will be a 10am for 10:30am start
What 3 Words location for parking & the range is along.rafters.shun
The shoot will be an IFAA Expert round, this will not be a classification shoot.
The Expert Round is a normal IFAA Field round however instead of scoring X,5,4,3 the scoring will be X,5,4,3,2,1
There will be a competition across all divisions for the Jim Grieg Trophy which will be won based on a handicap system.
Hot food will be available on the day
West Lothian Archers have decided there will be no charge for the shoot,
however donations for a bench dedicated to Jim to be installed at the course will be gratefully received.
Booking Form: