Beecraigs would like to invite all the cubs and juniors to come along to the Beecraigs Archers range on the 19th of January at 11:00 for starting at 11:30.
All Archers must present a valid shoot card on the day.
location of gate:
Course location:
We will be going around the range shooting all 14 targets, with a mix of the different target faces: field, hunter, 2D animal and 3D animal. The distances shot will be 10-30 yards, as it is a fun shoot you can pick your distance within this range. No experience is necessary.
It would be great to have as many cubs and juniors as possible to come along and enjoy this shoot and we could maybe have more fun shoots. Adults who have not shot competitions before are welcome to shoot as well.
There will be a £2 charge which will go to STAFAA Youth Development Fund
Hot food and drink will be available on the day
Please use the form below to book in, booking in will close 11pm on THURSDAY 16th January