Indoor Team Registration


Teams will consist of 3 Archers.

There will be a maximum of 2 sighted archers (Bowhunter Limited (BL), Bowhunter Unlimited (BU), Freestyle limited (FSR, FSC), Freestyle Unlimited (FU))

The rest of the team will be made up of unsighted archers (Barebow (BBR, BBC), Bowhunter (BHR, BHC), Historical bow (HB), Long Bow (LB), Traditional Recurve (TR))

There will be a maximum of 1 release aid archer

Cubs, juniors and Adults, male and female may be included in a team.

Archers may only be a member of one team.

Only STAFAA members may be part of a team.

Only Archers competing at the indoor championships may be in a team.

If an archer shoots the same style morning and afternoon, only the morning score will count.

Teams will pay £3 to be entered into the competition.

Registration will open on 20th January 2025

Form submission is now closed.