STAFAA 3D Championship – Loch Tummel 19th June 2022

STAFAA invite you to enter 2022 Scottish 3D Championship on Sunday 19th June

10:00am for 10:30 muster

This is an open championship to which all archers from other Associations are kindly invited and will shoot as guests covered by STAFAA insurance.

Loch Tummel Archers Field Range: park near ///robot.scaffold.sharpness then walk to ///hurricane.producing.tailing

The round will be based on IFAA 3 arrow unmarked animal round with one of the group2 targets replaced with a herd of 3 animals

The Loch Tummel crew have put in a lot of work to create a whole new set of lanes for the competition so it will be really unmarked! Do not miss this opportunity!

see the event posting for more details Event

Don’t forget to mark your arrows!

Hot food and drink will be available on the day

Cost of entry:

Adults £15

Cubs/Juniors £8

There will be a household/family cap of £25.

Please book in using this form:

booking form

Booking will close on Friday 17th June 2022