STAFAA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday 20th March 2022 1pm

Scottish Target And Field Archery Association


The Annual General Meeting of STAFAA will take place on Sunday 20th March 2022 at 1pm, followed by an Open Meeting.

This will be a hybrid meeting; you can either attend in person at Torphichen Community Centre, or on Zoom using the link below:

Meeting ID: 862 2875 1662

Passcode: STAFAA

Any resolutions for the AGM agenda must reach the STAFAA committee by Saturday 19th March 2022. All resolutions must bear the signatures and printed names of both the proposer and seconder, both being members of STAFAA.  (Electronic signatures will be accepted)

Nominations for committee members:

  1. Archery Development Officer
  2. Child Protection Officer
  3. President
  4. PR Officer
  5. Shoot Director
  6. Web Master

Please use document linked below if you wish to be put forward for a committee position, the association does not work without members help!