West Lothian Archers – IFAA Hunter Classification Round

West Lothian Archers – IFAA Hunter Classification Round.

This competition will be shot with staggered starting times. Maximum of 36 archers per day.

Date: Saturday 19th June / Sunday 20th June

Start Time: From 9.15am

Round: IFAA Hunter Classification Shoot

Booking: By online form click on the link below.

Cost: Adults £6 Junior/Cubs £4

Closing Date: Wednesday 16th June at 9pm

Notification of times and groups will be sent by text, email or messenger on Thursday 17th June archers must send a reply that they have received them.

Catering will be available. Please have the correct amount for entry fee.

New membership cards have arrived and will be updated with scores and handed back at the end of each day. Awards will either be posted or given at the next shoot.

Hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes will be available.

We look forward to a great competition and seeing most off you there.
