STAFAA invite you to enter the 2025 3D Championship on Sunday 1st June hosted by West Lothian Archers
Castlefield Archers will be hosting the Shoot at their Range in West Lothian
This is an open championship to which all archers from other Associations are kindly invited and will shoot as guests covered by STAFAA insurance.
All Archers must present a valid shoot card on the day.
Range location:
location of gate from main road
10:00am for 10:30 start
Hot Food & drinks available
The round will be based on IFAA 3 arrow unmarked animal round with one of the group2 targets replaced with a herd of 3 animals
This will consist of 14 unmarked 3D which will be shot twice.
3 marked arrows as defined in an animal round
1st arrow kill = 20 points
2nd arrow kill = 16 points
3rd arrow kill = 12 points
1st arrow wound = 18 points
2nd arrow wound = 14 points
3rd arrow wound = 10 points
For herd:
1 arrow to each animal, 20 for kill, 18 for wound if multiple arrows hit an animal earliest arrow scores.
It will be a Single marker lay-out:
No archer shall shoot from in front of the appropriate marker.
Maximum of three feet to either side of such marker.
One group shall not hold up the following group by looking for lost arrows.
Enough arrows shall be carried so that each archer may continue shooting and return to find missing arrows when shooting has ceased.
If for any reason a group is holding up another group mutual arrangement may be made between the target captains to allow the following group to pass through.
Optical devices may not be used as range finders, cameras may only be used to take pictures and only after all archers in the group have finished shooting the target.
Distances will not be discussed until all archers have shot.
Don’t forget to ring your arrows!
STAFAA Members:
Adults £12
Cubs/Juniors £6
Household Cap £20
Non STAFAA Members:
Adults £15
Under 18s £15
Booking will close on Friday 30th May at 11pm
Please book in using the following form: