STAFAA would like to invite you to the STAFAA 2023 Outdoor Field Championship.
Non STAFAA members may shoot as guests but will not be eligible for the Championship.
This will take place at Loch Tummel Field Archery range on Saturday 9th September and Sunday 10th September 2023.
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Saturday round 1 will be shot using IFAA Field Round rules and will count as a classification shoot.
Saturday round 2 will be a half round shot using IFAA 3 Arrow 2D Animal round rules and will not count as a classification shoot.
Don’t forget to ring your arrows!
Sunday will be shot using IFAA Hunter Round rules and will count as a classification shoot.
This is a 2 day event, if you wish to book in for one day, please complete a form
This is a 9am for 9:30am start both days.
Hot Food & drinks available.
Cost to Shoot:
STAFAA Members
Adults: £20 for the both days, £12 for one day
Cubs/Juniors: £8 for both days, £4 for one day
Household Cap £40 for both days
Non STAFAA Members:
Adults: £25 for both days, £15 for one day
16 and under: £10 for both days, £6 for one day
Payment for the shoot is kindly requested by Bank Transfer to:
Account Name: Scottish Target and Field Archery Association
Account No: 23151465
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Reference: “Outdoor Your Name”
Payment can be made on the day if required.
Booking In will close at 11pm on THURSDAY 7th September 2023
Please book in using the form below: