West Lothian Archers would like to invite you to a 3D Unmarked Animal round.
This will take place at West Lothian Field Archery range on Sunday 8th October 2023.
10:00am for 10:30 start
It will be shot using IFAA 3 Arrow 3D Animal rules.
This is an open competition to which all archers from other Associations are kindly invited and will shoot as guests covered by STAFAA insurance.
All Archers must present a valid shoot card on the day.
Please make sure you ring your arrows!
This competition will also incorporate the West Lothian Archers Club Championship, open to all West Lothian Archers.
Hot Food will be available on the day
£8 for Adults
£4 for Cubs/Juniors
Family cap of £15
Payment can be made by bank transfer or on the day
Entries close on Friday 6th October 11pm
Please book in using the form below (Form will open on 22nd September):