IFAA Hunter Face

West Lothian Archers Hunter Round (club championship)

West Lothian Archers Hunter Round (club championship)


10:00 - 17:00

West Lothian Archers would like to invite you to a Hunter round.

This will take place at West Lothian Field Archery range on Sunday 29th September 2024.

It will be shot using IFAA Hunter Round rules and will count as a classification shoot.

This is an open competition to which all archers from other Associations are kindly invited and will shoot as guests covered by STAFAA insurance.

All Archers must present a valid shoot card on the day.


There will also be an additional competition for West Lothian Club champion open to all West Lothian archers.


Main road gate location:


 10:00am for 10:30 start

Hot Food will be available on the day



£8 for Adults

£4 for Cubs/Juniors

Family cap of £15

Payment can be made by bank transfer or on the day

Entries close on Friday 27th September

Please book in using the form below:

WLA Hunter 29-09-24

Cost to Shoot:

Adults: £8

Cubs/Juniors: £4

Family Cap £15

Payment for the shoot is kindly requested by Bank Transfer to:

Account Name: West Lothian Archers

Account No: 06006356

Sort Code: 80-08-80

Reference: "Your Name"

Payment can be made on the day if required.

If you do not want any official photographs taken, please advise at check-in on the day