STAFAA Accessible 3D shoot hosted by Dunbar Archery Club

STAFAA Accessible 3D shoot hosted by Dunbar Archery Club


10:00 - 17:00
  • STAFAA would like to invite you to an accessible 3D shoot.

This will take place at Belhaven Hill School Playing fields on Sunday 2nd June 2024

This will be a 1 arrow IFAA style 3d shoot, maximum distance 30 yards

It will be a marked distance round, the scoring will be super kill, kill, wound


This is an open competition to which all archers from other Associations are kindly invited and will shoot as guests covered by STAFAA insurance.

All Archers must present a valid shoot card on the day.


It will be a 10:00am for 10:30am start


Please bring a packed lunch.

Hot drinks, soft drinks and biscuits will be available.

Belhaven Hill School playing fields Dunbar East Lothian.

What 3 words:

More detailed directions: Belhaven Hill School Directions.docx



£8 for Adults

£4 for Cubs/Juniors

Household cap of £15

Payment can be made by bank transfer or on the day

Booking will close on Friday 31st May at 11pm

Please use the following form to book in:

Form submission is now closed.