Dunbar Archery club would like to invite you to a Target Archery shoot.
This will take place at Belhaven Hill School playing fields on Sunday 12th May 2024
It will be shot using ArcheryGB styles and classifications
IFAA bowstyles conversion document here
You may shoot carbon arrows but we would prefer if archers shot aluminium/aluminium carbon composite arrows where possible
We cannot leave any arrows on the field at the end of the day and carbons are harder to find.
Under 16
Under 14
Competition groupings:
Recurve – 50m on 122cm Face
Recurve/compound – 30m on 80cm Face
Compound – 50m on reduced 80cm Face (inner 6 zones)
Under 14 – 20m on 122cm Face (all styles)
Belhaven Hill School playing fields Dunbar East Lothian
What 3 words:
more detailed directions: Belhaven Hill School Directions.docx
It’s a 10 am for 10:30 am start
Please bring a packed lunch
Adults £10
Under 16 £5
Booking will close on Friday 10th May at 11pm
Please use the following form to book in: