- STAFAA would like to invite you to the 2023 STAFAA Target Championship.
This will take place at Belhaven Hill School Playing fields on Sunday 21st May 2023
It will be a 10:00am for 10:30am start
It will be be a metric target shoot, 6 ends of 12 arrows shot in 2 sets of 6 each end (72 arrows total)
The rounds will be:
Open Compound 50m, shooting at reduced 80cm face (only inner zones approx. 40cm face)
Open Recurve/Barebow 50m, shooting at 122cm face
Open Recurve/Barebow 30m, shooting at 80cm face
Under 14s All Styles 20m shooting at 122cm face
There will be three styles shot: Recurve, compound, Barebow
Here is a broad conversion guide for bow styles: ifaa-archerygb-style-guide
This is an open competition to which all archers from other Associations are kindly invited and will shoot as guests covered by STAFAA insurance.
All Archers must present a valid shoot card on the day.
Please bring a packed lunch.
Hot drinks, soft drinks and biscuits will be available.
Belhaven Hill School playing fields Dunbar East Lothian.
What 3 words:
More detailed directions: Belhaven Hill School Directions.docx
Booking will close on Friday 19th May at 11pm
Please use the following form to book in: