- STAFAA would like to invite you to the 2024 STAFAA Target Championship.
This will take place at Playing fields across from Mearns Academy in Laurencekirk on Sunday 30th June 2024
This is an open competition to which all archers from other Associations are kindly invited and will shoot as guests covered by STAFAA insurance.
All Archers must present a valid shoot card on the day.
It will be a 10:00am for 10:30am start
The shoot will take place on the playing fields across from the school
Mearns Academy,
Aberdeen Road,
AB30 1ZJ
It will be be a metric target shoot, 12 ends of 6 arrows each with archers shooting in 2 waves (AB/CD) alternating first wave each end.
The rounds will be:
Open Compound 50m, shooting at reduced 80cm face (only inner zones approx. 40cm face)
Open Recurve/Barebow 50m, shooting at 122cm face
Open Recurve/Barebow 30m, shooting at 80cm face
Under 14s All Styles 20m shooting at 122cm face
There will be three styles shot: Recurve, compound, Barebow
Here is a broad conversion guide for bow styles: ifaa-archerygb-style-guide
Please bring a packed lunch.
Hot drinks, soft drinks and biscuits will be available.
Booking will close on Friday 28th June at 11pm
Please use the following form to book in: